Create RISC-V Core using Verilog HDL (2) “create a core that can execute add.”

Yoshi's Tech Blog
2 min readMay 24, 2021


About this project

Hi, I’m currently implementing a RISC-V core using Verilog HDL to deeper understand the CPU. Here is the GitHub of this project. If you are interested, please give me a star.

Today’s version is written in the following link.

Design Plan

The first thing I had to do was to create a plan for the whole design. Implementing some additional functions, such as pipelining and branch predictions, would be tough for the first step; thus, I decided to implement the simple core without pipelining, which contains four stages: fetch, decode, execute, and write. The stage transition is defined by the clock as follows.

always @(posedge CLK) begin    
s_fetch: begin
cpu_state <= s_decode;
s_decode: begin
cpu_state <= s_execute;
s_execute: begin
cpu_state <= s_write;
s_write: begin
cpu_state <= s_fetch;

File directory

Next, I created several files for each component. The top file of this design. The file that describes the circuit for the decoder. This circuit takes the instruction code as its input and outputs the decoded information. The file that describes the circuit for ALU. The ALU is responsible for the rv32-i instructions. The execution stage includes ALU and other components, such as FPU and PC update; thus, I create in addition to

For simplicity

This time, I only implemented the whole design flow; thus, the decoder and ALU are very simple. These components only execute add instructions. Besides, the instruction memory is implemented as the registers as follows.

reg [31:0] inst_mem [0:11] = '{            32'b00000000001000011000000110110011, // ADD 3(rs1) + 2(rs2) = 3(rd)    ...
32'b00000000001000011000001010110011 // ADD 3(rs1) + 2(rs2) = 5(rd) };


After that, I implemented all files like the above. For more concrete implementations, I would like you to see the GitHub link.

Test Code

After the implementation, I had to implement another code for testing. Since Verilog is just the circuit design, we have to give them input and verify the movement of them. To verify my circuit, I created a file named “”

Compilation and Run Test

The compilation is divided into three steps.

The first step:

xvlog --sv

In this step, Verilog parser named “xvlog” parses the Verilog source files and stores the parsed dump into a HDL library. Watch out the order of files. We have to set the test file first.

The second step:

xelab -debug typical test_cpu -s test_cpu.sim

In this step, the simulator compiler named “xelab” compiles our HDL model into a snapshot, which is a representation of the model in a form that the simulator can execute.

The third step:

xsim --runall test_cpu.sim

In this step, the simulator loads and executes the snapshot made by xelab to simulate the model.

After the simulation, I found the whole design works well! Great!

Next Plan

I will implement other rv32i instructions.



Yoshi's Tech Blog

I’m a master’s student at the University of Tokyo. My major is Computer Science. Webpage: